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Love this - Can you add a "tweet this" icon to your blog? I'd love to share your articles :)

Career Sherpa

Super Chandlee:
Managing your career has to start with developing relationships. I am so glad you have pointed this important concept in your post! Quality not quantity.

Julie Walraven

Great post,Chandlee, and then I am honored that you have included me in your networks. The "WHO you know that knows you back" is an important concept. I talk with my clients a lot about nurturing relationships with your network so that when you need to use a network, it is there.

Thank you for your insight, which always feels heartfelt!


As for the it's not what you know but who you know, taking this a step further clarifies this concept in the context of job searching, “It’s not just what you know or even who you know, but who with the necessary authority to hire knows what you know, and how you can contribute to the organization’s success.” So this recommendation goes beyond knowing the right influencers and authorities and having them know you but emphasizing that those who know you must not only be able to hire you and refer you to decision makers, but also "get " you and be willing and able to promote you as a resource.

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