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Career Sherpa

Chandlee, I love to savor the brief summer months as well!

What I love about your advice is that it blends online networking with face to face networking.

Don't forget, hosting a or even cohosting a picnic/barbeque or arranging a night at the baseball field with friends is a great way to get out and enjoy while nurturing relationships.

Enjoy your summer!

Meg Montford

Great links for networking, Chandlee. Thanks for sharing. Summer can seem to offer a "pass" on job search - but you showed how to keep searching while having fun!


I'd like to share another helpful site for the job search. It's new in the US and maybe it will give you some fresh job listings.

Trovit sends you email updates for your favorite searches so you know what jobs are out there, first. So it still requires turning on the computer, but just to check your email, which is convenient.

Also, since a lot of people put their job search on the back burner during the summer, means fewer competition in the job pool...so turning it up a notch during summertime could score you the job!!

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