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Gayle Howard

Terrific post Chandlee. Creating a perfect balance between using the traditional with an edge of innovation! Very informative.

Dawn Bugni

The job seeker and the resume that leave questions unanswered is destined for the "maybe" or even the "no" pile. Think about what the reader might want to know and answer the question before it's asked. That's part of taking it back to the basics.

Great information Chandlee.


Resume basics, just like recipes that are classic and in good taste, stand the test of time. They appeal to what we all want, familiarity, comfort, and a satisfying return on investment of our time.

Starting with a strong foundation, allows the "cook," or writer, to inject their own unique qualities and give the recipe a fresh approach and perspective, that will stand out with out turning off the audience. Quality never goes out of style.


Thanks, all! I think we are all on the same page here...It's great to see so many different perspectives on Career Collective. Many different approaches but not too many cooks in the kitchen!

Rosa Elizabeth Vargas

Great point. Differentiating yourself as a job seeker doesn’t necessarily mean it has to be revolutionary…


I agree. Even a great looking cookie doesn't taste right without the right amounts of flour and sugar.


What a great reminder about covering the basics first. Sometimes the temptation to put one's personal ingredients in their career recipe actually works against their goals.

By following the recipe first before adding one's own seasonings, job seekers may actually enhance their career menu.

Thank you for your excellent contribution to our first Career Collective effort. We look forward to many more such great articles!


Laurie Berenson

Great post, Chandlee! Those three questions are critical to clearly answer. Keep your eye on the goal.

I look forward to working with you on future Career Collective topics.

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