Once a month, my friends at Career Collective and I blog on a common topic. Up this month: How to make a career change.
While this is a topic that I love to talk about -- my interest in career change was part of the inspiration in naming "Best Fit Forward" -- I didn't contribute this month. Confession: I've been a wee bit focused with my consulting work at StartWire, and made three trips over the last months to places I have never been - Las Vegas (though slot machines are not my scene, I loved connecting with colleagues at the Career Management Alliance conference), the Grand Canyon (don't know if I have words to describe the magestic experience -- and we saw it in the snow), and Staten Island (I'd always wanted to take the free ferry from New York).
I'll be back on live for the next round of contributions, but here are the contributions of my colleagues in the interim:
- Are You Ready for a Career Change? @Debra Wheatman
- Changing Careers? Ask yourself these questions. @erinkennedycprw
- Changing Careers: Not for the Fainthearted, @GayleHoward
- Career Change Isn't An Exact Science, @careersherpa
- The 10-Step Plan to Career Change, @KatCareerGal
- When it’s Time to Recycle Your Career, @WalterAkana
- Best Career Change Advice: Target & Plan, @JobHuntOrg
- How social media can help you change careers, @keppie_careers
- Expat Careers: You Are Not Your Job Title, @expatcoachmegan
- Changing The Direction Of Your Career, @EliteResumes @MartinBuckland
- Career Changer: Can You Quell Bottom-line Ache? @ValueIntoWords
- Top 3 + 1 Tips for Making a Successful Career Change, @KCCareerCoach
- Changing Careers: Look Before You Leap, @barbarasafani
- 10 Commandments for Career Changers, @LaurieBerenson
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