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Happy New Year!

There is such a fine line between personal and professional use of social networking tools. I am glad you linked to Kodak's policy, as they are so nicely represented on Twitter professionally! Can't wait to read the employee developed section!

Good luck with StartWire! And all the best in 2011!

Excellent post, Chandlee!

You have done a great job capturing the way 2010 played out! Really great points, all. Yet, I have to admit that I think that social media love-hate relationship goes well beyond employers. Even with dramatic growth in social media usage, there are still lots of people who seem to have mixed feelings about using social media to manage their careers.

I think that part of that stems from fear, and part from clear guidelines. So, your must-dos for 2011 really hit the mark in providing some much-needed advice. I especially like the “Circle of Trust.” People inside that circle can help for the longer term, and not simply inside of a given job search.

Happy New Year!

Hi Chandlee,

So much sage advice to guide job seekers into 2011! All of your points regarding social media and your online presence are absolutely spot on (and then some!).

I love your point about having a "circle of trust". In a time where we must be vigilant about what information is being shared about us on and offline, having your own personal board of advisors to be able to discuss your challenges openly and honestly is extremely important. Having someone provide an outside perspective to help you make more informed decisions can really make an impact in such an extremely competitive marketplace.

Thanks for all of your career wisdom!

My best,


I love the point about the employer love-hate relationship with social media. It's become a "can't live with it; can't live without it" issue for many HR professionals and it's a fascinating conversation. It will be interesting to see how things shake out in 2011!

Great post - I just stumbled onto your blog and I love it!

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Chandlee Bryan

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